& Design
- Turn Key Assembly
- Parts Acquisition
- Box Build
- System Assembly
- Functional Testing

- PCB Assembly
- Surface Mount
- Through Hole
- Prototype and Production
- Re-Work and Repair


Users Manual: 


WIN7 Error with AXIDE3 "BUILD" operation   
A The AXIDE3 assemblers are not compatible with the WIN7 64 bit operating system.  The GNU open source assembler may be applied instead.  Download the HC11_GNU_Assembly.zip file below and install the GNU tool set from the www.gnu-m68hc11.org link below.  The HC11_GNU_Assembly .zip file contains instructions and files to assemble HC11 source code.  AXIDE3 or some other serial terminal program may be applied to communicate with the board. 


AxIDE3 will not Program or configure the EVBU board with a USB Serial cable.
A The HC11 E series has a serial port timing requirement in Bootload Mode that only PC motherboard type COM ports appear to meet timing with.  USB and other COM port emulation do not allow the timing requirement to be met.  Please see the AX-NOTE-11E9EVBU and USB serial.pdf, download the U6LOAD.s19 file also to support. 


How do you auto start to HC11 EEprom in single chip mode.
A With ModA On and Modb Off, connect PE0 to VCC. This redirects the start up to $B600. Note: Nothing is set up such as stack pointer.
 Q  AXIDE3 not compatible with Win7 operating system.

 AXIDE3 COM port driver is not singed for Win7 driver application and may not operate correctly depending on Win7 system settings. Apply the Tera Term serial port software provided in the links below to provide standard serial COM port operation in Win7.  The HC11 32 bit assembler will not operate on Win7 64 bit systems.  Apply the GNU assembler and the AX-NOTE-11E9EVBU for an operational improvement.  General note is that the HC11 tool set is becoming obsolete when applied with Windows operating systems.